Man vs maschine

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Whether writing texts, generating images or programming, the list is endless and the applications seem to be manifold. Not always perfect and sometimes clouded by wrong or erroneous information, the AI does what it is told. But this seems to be just one facet of the big picture. For years, this exciting topic has been popping up again and again and disappearing almost as quickly. ChatGPT marks the beginning of a new hype around artificial intelligence. An exciting trend, but where will it develop?

At the latest since the films "Terminator (1984)", "Matrix (1999)", A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) or even I-Robot (2004), the question arises as to what is in store for us with regard to AI and whether we are not possibly endangering ourselves with it. Be it in our private life, in our job or as shown in the scenario of some movies in relation to our existence. It also seems to be about certain existences at the moment. On the one hand I read that people use ChatGPT in order to work less, on the other hand that certain occupational fields are endangered. Especially in creative fields this seems to cause displeasure, because it is, as mentioned at the beginning, possible to evaluate information very quickly, to have texts created, to generate images and much more - and that in really very short time and at any time. Recently, it has even been possible to create a website by means of a drawing. So the development is progressing fast and the fear of what may come is growing as well. The regulation of AI also seems to be important in any case, which has yet to define itself at the moment.

But do we really need to be afraid of AI? In the final analysis, it is just another tool that we can use for our tasks and purposes. Perhaps to give us new freedom and to concentrate more on the essentials? And besides, as with all other tools, it depends first and foremost on the intention or the drive of the respective.

Apropos! Here from ChatGPT a generated text on the topic:

"The concept of humans versus artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic of continuous debate. On the one hand, AI is becoming more advanced and capable of performing complex tasks that were once only possible for humans. On the other hand, humans possess unique qualities such as creativity, empathy, and intuition that are difficult for AI to replicate. There are certainly areas where AI has already surpassed human performance, such as in certain forms of data analysis, image and speech recognition, and decision-making tasks. However, there are also limits to AI's capabilities, particularly in tasks that require a deep understanding of context, empathy, or creativity. Ultimately, the relationship between humans and AI is not necessarily one of competition or conflict, but rather one of collaboration. As AI continues to advance, it's likely that humans and AI will increasingly work together to achieve better outcomes in a variety of areas, including healthcare, finance, and transportation."

So much for the topic of the topic itself.

In addition to the current ChatGPT and many of its peers, however, there are many other exciting projects on the topic.
Many of them are even largely unknown or already forgotten. Formative for me was for example "Narciss".
A very profound and artistic project, which gave me personally euphoric tingling in the stomach, but also long-lasting goose bumps. An artificial intelligence that looks into a mirror and thinks about itself - an AI that perceives and defines itself? Simply insane!

Author: Christian Woidschützke / Photo from DeepMind on Unsplash